they shake their heads convulsively, muttering, “No, No, it’s invalid, invalid.” Lâm Lệ sửng sốt, lắc đầu: “Không có, phải bồi thường.”
convulsively, like one who would fain cry and cannot. Dân chúng oán than, khổ như trâu mà chẳng dám kêu.
Find words starting with convulsively and anagrams of convulsively. Find words starting with được and anagrams of được.
Find words starting with convulsively and anagrams of convulsively. Find words starting with được and anagrams of được.
She said nothing, just sat there on the floor, her throat working convulsively as she tried to control her tears. Cô bé không nói gì, chỉ ngồi trên sàn nhà, cổ họng co giật khi cố kiềm chế nước mắt.