cost-to-price câu
at cost price
Out of 1 year, you will get spare part at cost price.Sau một năm, chúng tôi sẽ cung cấp phụ kiện với giá chi phí. Domestic users would...

cost of price
For example, as of 2012, inflation was 6.04%, but if you subtract the cost of price adjustment services, healthcare, education and 3% i...

cost price
Cost price increase is the biggest complaint.chỉ số giá tiêu dùng tăng cao là thử thách lớn nhất. Your time, or the cost price of your...

At those cost-price differentials, PetroChina loses on average 1 yuan for every cubic meter of natural gas imported from Myanmar.Do các...

cost-effective price
Meanwhile, outside analyses set a cost-effective price for Kymriah between $600,000 and $750,000.Trong khi đó, các phân tích đều đưa ra...

If X is less than the cost of a recall, we don't do one.Nếu X nhỏ hơn chi phí việc thu hồi, chúng tôi không làm. The whole system cost...

on cost
Seoul, Washington fail to agree on cost of US troopsSeoul, Washington bất đồng về chi phí của quân đội Mỹ Perhaps I should look for an...

at a price
Your recommendation comes at a price.Sự tiến cử của ông phải đổi bằng một cái giá nào đó. He became immortal but at a price.Hắn sẽ trở...

But the fel is born of death, must have a price.Nhưng The fel sinh ra từ cái chết, hẳn sẽ phải trả giá. They're not worth the price I ...

abatement cost
And Firm A is not paying any abatement cost at all.này, Bên A không phải chịu bất cứ chi phí đền bù nào. The most cost-effective strat...

absolute cost
Three main sources of barriers to new entry: brand loyalty, absolute cost advantages, and economies of nguồn rào cản nhập cuộc...

absorption cost
Knowing absorption costingtheo phương pháp absorption costing See also ABSORPTION COSTING.theo phương pháp absorption costing Formula of...

accounting cost
The consideration of opportunity costs is one of the key differences between the concepts of economic cost and accounting cost.Chi phí ...

acquisition cost
The acquisition cost for each customer is $20 ($200/ 10 = $20).Chi phí mua lại cho mỗi khách hàng là 20 USD (200/10 = 20). The acquisi...

actual cost
(i) The manufacturer's actual cost for the materials,(i) Chi phí thực tế về nguyên liệu của nhà sản xuất; (A) The manufacturer's actua...

adjustment cost
So the adjustment cost cannot be neglected.Vì thế việc điều chỉnh chi phí không thể không được chú ý.

administration cost
Increased Yammer administration cost: You have to manage multiple Yammer networks, thereby increasing the administration cost.Tăng quản...

after cost
the red mark is the price after cost downGiá màu hồng là giá sau khi đã được giảm nhé. The Obama administration cancelled the CG(X) pr...

agricultural cost
This training course aimed at strengthening the technical capacity of statistical producers to apply relevant international comparable ...

all-in cost
What does "All-In Cost" Mean?"At All Costs" nghĩa là gì? The CEO of Gold Fields recently indicated that the average all-in cost in Afr...

allocation cost
The allocation cost account is a transfer account used to check if goods receipt POs and the A/P invoices match.Tài khoản chi phí phân ...

alternative cost
Therefore, when we compare the alternative cost of capital with the IRR on our project, we effectively ask has our project with positiv...

amortized cost
You look at amortized cost over a period of 10 years, it does not seem so bad.”Nếu bạn nhìn vào các giá trị khấu hao chi phí đó trong k...

anticipated cost
The resulting FTTN network wouldn’t be nearly as fast as a full-blown FTTP grid, but the anticipated cost seemed more reasonable.Mạng F...

applied cost
The powder coating paint application process results in high utilisation, low wastage and an economic applied cost.Quá trình sơn sơn bộ...