hair-stroke câu
Letting me hang upside down that long might give me a stroke and kill me.Để tôi treo tòng teng tòng teng trên đó mệt muốn chết. The Pr...

a hair
Oh, yeah, I think I see a hair. Maybe two.Ồ ye, chú nghĩ chú nhìn thấy một sợi tóc, có khi là hai. If you touch a hair on Lagertha's h...

Then I gotta leave 'cause Sara's gonna cut my hair,Rồi tớ lại phải chuồn vì Sara định cắt tóc cho tớ. Oh, yeah, I think I see a hair. ...

a forehand stroke
Your racket needs to be in a neutral position so you can be ready to play either a backhand or a forehand stroke.Vợt của bạn cần được đ...

a stroke of genius
That trick with your shadow was a stroke of genius."Chi bộ của tôi với anh lúc đó mới thật là một chi bộ ma.’’ That trick with your sh...

a stroke of luck
So, Domergue... I suppose this blizzard counts as a stroke of luck far as you're concerned.Này Domergue, cơn bão này có lẽ lại là may m...

a winning stroke
Our professor might successfully transform a combination with the help of the joker magnets and accomplish a winning stroke of genius!G...

back stroke
Back stroke? 200m butterfly?29k Dây Chuyền Butterfly ? Instead, you should kiss your girlfriend for a few seconds, then hold back, str...

bottom stroke
There may also be no bottom stroke in enclosures like in 月 and 同.Các phần bao quanh cũng có thể không có nét đáy, như trong chữ同 và chữ...

breast stroke
The youngest is 100m breast stroke swimmer, 13-year-old Nepalese swimmer Gaurika Singh.Người nhỏ nhất là nữ kình ngư Gaurika Singh 13 t...

Stand tall, nestle up to the wall, squeeze the pectoral muscles and make movements, as if you are breast-stroke swimming.Đứng cao, nép ...

butterfly stroke
Butterfly Stroke Overview and Technique: This is the second fastest and most exhausting of all swim strokes.Tổng quan và kỹ thuật của B...

compression stroke
In a diesel engine, only the air is compressed and the fuel is injected into very hot air at the end of the compression stroke.Trong độ...

cutting stroke
Equipped with a 0.65 hp motor and a 1-1/2" cutting stroke, the XD-629 will handle all but the toughest cutting jobs.Được trang bị động ...

double stroke
Heavy Marijuana Use Could Double Stroke Risk for Young People, Study SuggestsSử dụng cần sa nặng có thể làm tăng gấp đôi nguy cơ đột qu...

down stroke
“If Mr Ramaphosa is set on creating an untenable situation, he should actively get up with the down stroke and create circumstances whi...

One of its white production lines will be enhanced by the addition of a brand new Bematic card and a new, in-line, up-stroke needle-loo...

downward stroke
She put her all into every single technique, ability, and downward stroke of her katana.Cô dồn toàn lực vào từng kĩ thuật, khả năng, và...

effective stroke
The most effective stroke treatments can only be given within the first few hours after a stroke has occurred.Các phương pháp điều trị ...

end of stroke
The cushions allow a cylinder to stroke at high speed and only slow down near the end of stroke for a quiet, low-impact stop.Các đệm ch...

finishing stroke
For then his brother's bow must have given the finishing stroke to what the ill-humour of his mother and sister would have begun.Vì lúc...

forward stroke
The stroke is the exact opposite of the forward stroke:Việc chèo ngược này hoàn toàn đối lập với chèo tiến: You can repeat the sweep s...

It's got a Zanardi chassis and a four-stroke Briggs Stratton engine.Nó có khung gầm Zanardi và động cơ bốn thì Briggs Stratton. In a f...

heat stroke
I was in Fallujah, 130 degrees in the reeds and smoke, dying of heat stroke.130 độ trong đám sậy và khói, đang chết vì cơn nóng. If th...

More than 22,000 people have been taken to hospitals with heat-stroke symptoms.Hơn 22 nghìn người nhập viện do bị sốc nhiệt. I categor...