half-axle câu
Then you coat the whole thing with axle grease.Đoạn bao toàn bộ cHỗ đó bằng 1 lớp mỡ bò trục xề. Well, dip me in axle grease and call ...

So what? Half the exhibits here have purple shells in them.Một nửa số bể cảnh ở đây đều có sò tím ở trong. So I guess it may just coun...

not half
Oh, gracious, you are not half dressed!Ối trời ơi, con còn chưa sửa soạn xong được một nửa! The colour is good when I'm not half peeli...

a live axle
then it is a live axle.Vì vậy, nó là một mạch sống. At the rear there is usually one hose if your car has a live axle or two if it has...

axle beam
However, this technique won't work with old, beam-axled 4x4s, as the water tends to hit the front axle beam and squirt straight into th...

axle bearing
A hot box is the term used when an axle bearing overheats on a piece of railway rolling stock.Một hộp nóng là thuật ngữ được sử dụng kh...

axle box
They are firmly mounted so that the optical system always looks at the same point on the axle box of each train as it passes the instal...

axle drive
But the axle drive also illustrates the danger that electric technology presents to the German auto industry.Nhưng truyền động trục cũn...

axle grease
Then you coat the whole thing with axle grease.Đoạn bao toàn bộ cHỗ đó bằng 1 lớp mỡ bò trục xề. Well, dip me in axle grease and call ...

axle housing
These metal and rubber connecting elements increase the comfort of the ride and keep the axle housing separate from the body without ne...

axle load
Also see also Equivalent Single Axle Loads (ESAL).Tải trọng Trục đơn Tương đương Equivalence Single Axle Load (ESAL) The 21 kg (46.30 l...

axle loading
With their light axle loading they made excellent all round loco’s for lightly laid branch lines.Tiếng những chiếc búa nhỏ của người th...

axle oil
At the same time, muscle cars and motorcycles place incredible demands on everything from brake fluid to axle oil.Đồng thời, xe cơ bắp ...

axle shafts
To meet these new demands, the new Murcielago LP640 features a modified six-ratio gearbox as well as a tougher rear differential and ne...

axle weight
Road damage and wear increase very rapidly with the axle weight.Đường mòn và hao mòn tăng rất nhanh với trọng lượng trục. This is need...

"The world exists by cause; all things exist by cause; and beings are bound by cause, even as the rolling cart-wheel by the pin of an a...

back axle
The mounting of the back axle is also completely new.Mâm hợp kim bên hông cũng là loại hoàn toàn mới. In the X-Class, normal drive is ...

double axle
You will find the best single or double axle utility,Tính nàng ngoan! (ngoan ngoãn? or ngoan độc? or cả hai? ;) )) You will find the b...

drive axle
Thus, drive wheel spin can be avoided, in particular when both wheels of the drive axle are on different road surfaces when starting of...

front axle
But, when needed, up to 60% of the engine’s torque can be shifted to the front axle.Khi cần, 70% mô-men xoắn động cơ có thể dồn lên cầu...

live axle
then it is a live axle.Vì vậy, nó là một mạch sống. At the rear there is usually one hose if your car has a live axle or two if it has...

main axle
The environmental pollution has become the transnational question: The environment will be the trade, the environment is the diplomacy,...

rear axle
RWD and engine behind the rear axle.Cánh tay trục và hệ thống treo phía sau của Pega eSH Resultant weight distribution is 38% on the f...

Moreover these single-axle "packs" can be used in different ways depending on what the driver has to do during the day.Hơn nữa các đơn ...

That may or may not have been true with the old solid-axle Mustang, but since Ford gave the 'Stang a set of independent legs it seems t...