oyster-fishery câu
oyster fishery
The Solent was once largest oyster fishery in Europe.Solent đã từng là khu khai thác hàu lớn nhất ở châu Âu.

with just a big friggin' oyster in my shorts...và anh ở đó với 1 số lượng lớn tinh dịch trong quần Whole world like an oyster that you...

It also helps aid in improving and sustaining the local fishery.Nó cũng giúp để cải thiện và địa phương bền vững. Anglo-Norwegian Fishe...

oyster farming
Related topics: Oyster farmingChủ đề liên quan: Oyster farming • Land snail farming Oyster farming is one form of aquaculture that can...

oyster fork
Give me an oyster fork.Đưa tôi một cái nĩa ăn hàu.

oyster industry
The local oyster industry here is already seeing serious impacts from acidifying waters and is going to great lengths to avoid a total ...

oyster juice
I promise you will never want to use lemon juice or oyster juice to make oysters.Tôi hứa rằng bạn sẽ không bao giờ muốn sử dụng nước ch...

oyster sauce
No, Oyster sauce really has oysters in it.Điều Cần Biết Về Oyster Sauce Trong Ẩm Thực No, Oyster sauce really has oysters in it.Điều Cầ...

oyster shell
There a litany of courses, including the famous Shell Houston Open.Có một vài tòa nhà tường vỏ sò, bao gồm cả Oyster Shell House nổi tiế...

And, if they refuse to touch the ill-shapen, oyster-shell, insisting that there is, nor cannot be any precious pearl inside it, then sh...

coastal fishery
Myanmar Foreign Minister and State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi leaves a meeting with migrant workers at the coastal fishery center of Sa...

commercial fishery
With regards to the commercial fishery, there may need to be a tightening of some of the rules.Trong lĩnh vực thương mại dịch vụ, có th...

crab fishery
For the past four seasons, the winter snow crab fishery saw no vessels sink and no one die.Trong 4 năm qua, các hoạt động bắt cua mùa đ...

domestic fishery
The Japanese government believes that GSSI’s approval of MEL will boost its efforts to expand exports of domestic fishery products.Chín...

fishery product
Norwegian fishery product4 Sản phẩm Norwegian Fish Oil Norwegian fishery productSản phẩm Norwegian Fish Oil In Southeast Asia, fisher...

fishery station
The Chiang Khong Fishery Station is able to inseminate and breed this largest fresh-water fish in the world.Trạm Cá Chiang Khong có khả...

inshore fishery
The inshore fishery recently has been showing signs of being overexploited.Barca gần đây đang có dấu hiệu của việc quá tải.

lobster fishery
Similarly, a marine heatwave in the Gulf of Maine disrupted the lucrative lobster fishery in 2012.Tương tự, một đợt nắng nóng trên biển...

marine fishery
All of the National Marine Fishery Service (NMFS).Dịch vụ Thủy sản Quốc gia (National Marine Fisheries Service- NMFS). All of the Natio...

net fishery
Vaquita killed in gill net fishery for totoaba in El Golfo de Santa Clara, Sonora, México, February 1992.Cá heo vaquita bị chết do đánh...

offshore fishery
The economy was traditionally based on the offshore fishery, and today Lunenburg is the site of Canada’s largest secondary fish-process...

sustainable fishery
Chile and Peru track: Sustainable Fishery Trade; Lima, PeruHướng Chi Lê và Peru: Công ty Thương Mại Nghề Cá Bền Vững, Lima Peru That s...

whale fishery
Songs: Greenland Whale Fisheriesx Lời bài hát Greenland Whale Fisheries Songs: Greenland Whale FisheriesLời bài hát Greenland Whale Fish...

winter fishery
Shrimp fishing provides a small but important winter fishery.Dạ yến thảo là loài hoa mùa đông mỏng manh nhưng rất kiên cường.