smooth-grained câu
“You have not cleaned out the dirt grained into your hands and they are all wrinkly.”"Ngươi không tìm được cái chén , đều bị ta dẵm nát...

Neil Armstrong just reported back it's been a smooth countdown.NeilArmstrongsẽbáocáo về Đây là lúc đếm ngược. So you're quite ...

About Smooth-On, Inc. 991 likes · 30 talking about this.Công ty TNHH Giải Pháp Nhanh SÀI GÒN, TP.HCM. 930 likes · 3 talking about this....

If the cells are small, the texture is smooth; these woods, described as close-grained, don't require filling.Nếu tế bào nhỏ thì cấu tr...

1.4 Fine-grained, coarse-grained, and embarrassing parallelismFine-grained, coarse-grained, và embarrassing parallelismSửa đổi 1.4 Fine...

You are a ruthless, soulless, cross-grained cur. - l told you I had a ship.Em là kẻ tàn nhẫn, không có tâm hồn, khó tính, tên vô lại. ...

1.4 Fine-grained, coarse-grained, and embarrassing parallelismFine-grained, coarse-grained, và embarrassing parallelismSửa đổi 1.4 Fine...

grained rock
From Italian granito, which means grained rock, from grano grain, and from Latin granumtừ granito Ý, có nghĩa là đá hạt, từ hạt grano, ...

Then, proceed to large-grained, stateful services.Sau đó, tìm đến những nhà cung cấp lớn hoặc đại lí chính thức.

If you believe the general rules of arrangement of aquariums, the soil should be fine or medium-grained, taking into account the power ...

Pores naturally filled with resinous material which creates a smoother surface than other open-grained woods with large pores.Lỗ chân l...

short grained
Brown rice will need at least 2 cups of water and likely more, but short grained white rice will need less than the standard to get it ...

The products can be classified into four types in terms of the color and the concave-convex of the surface: plain-colored, wood-grained...

neat and smooth
Even if the glass is broken, the fragments will be glued to the film, and the broken glass surface will remain neat and smooth.Ngay cả ...

smooth and ready
Then, it will be cleaned again to make sure it is smooth and ready for the transfer.Nó sẽ được làm sạch một lần nữa để đảm bảo rằng nó ...

smooth and shining
Why is his face not smooth and shining like everyone else's; why is it pale and wrinkled?Tại sao gương mặt của ông không tươi láng như ...

smooth and shiny
Externally, fleas in cats resemble very small, smooth and shiny grains of plants.Bên ngoài, bọ chét ở mèo giống với rất nhỏ, mịn và sán...

smooth as glass
I sanded it for days until it was smooth as glass.Tôi đánh bóng nhiều ngày cho đến khi nó nhẵn bóng như kính. In the evening, the lake...

smooth braking
To avoid that, you might want to give a smooth braking with your front brake.Để tránh điều đó bạn có thể cung cấp một phanh mịn với pha...

smooth curve
Draw a smooth curve through these points.Vẽ đường cong “trơn” qua các điểm này. The iPhone 6 design selects the smooth curve and seaml...

smooth cut
Their smooth cut won’t snag on thicker hair types.Cắt mịn của họ sẽ không snag trên các loại tóc dày hơn. Geoff hale--cause of death W...

smooth down
For she walked silently and almost smiling towards the bed, and began to smooth down George’s pillow.Cô lặng lẽ đi về phía giường, như ...

smooth earth
Earth's gravity measured by NASA GRACE mission, showing deviations from the theoretical gravity of an idealized smooth Earth, the so-ca...

smooth face
He had an old but very smooth face.Cô nàng có khuôn mặt già nhưng rất mặn mà. This hammer features a polished and smooth face which ca...

smooth finish
The surface is then trowelled for a smooth finish.Sau đó bề mặt được đánh bóng đến một kết thúc mờ. It’s a glass trackpad with a nice ...