sounding-rod câu
Bag Of Dicks is sounding awful good.Giờ thì em thấy cái vụ một túi trym được hơn đó anh. You're sounding like my dad dropping me off a...

Somehow they must have picked up that fuel rod.Bằng cách nào đó họ đã lấy được 1 ống nhiên liệu. It's a tremendous lightning rod for f...

atmospheric sounding
In 1957, the US Navy launched nine atmospheric sounding rockets to measure nuclear radiation and other atmospheric data, using Mercury ...

echo sounding
Echo sounding is a more rapid method of measuring depth than the previous technique of lowering a sounding line until it touched bottom...

She made use of no high-sounding words in addressing these infant-angels.Cô không giấu nổi vẻ tự hào khi nhắc đến thiên thần bé nhỏ này...

remote sounding
I think the projects will be related to navigation, remote sounding of the Earth.Tôi nghĩ các dự án sẽ liên quan tới hoa tiêu hàng hải,...

sounding line
He followed the sounding line.Hắn ta theo giọng kéo quay Echo sounding is a more rapid method of measuring depth than the previous tec...

sounding rocket
This will be the fourth flight for CIBER on a NASA sounding rocket.Đây là chuyến bay thứ tư của CIBER trên một tên lửa của NASA. This ...

sounding rockets
Between 1958 and 1975 several sounding rockets were launched from Johnston Island.Giữa 1958 và 1975, các vụ phóng hỏa tiễn ầm ĩ xảy ra ...

sounding unit
The base box is design to protect the sounding unit, and at the meantime, supply a necessary space for reverberation.+ Hộp cơ sở được t...

to increase the sound, and for this reason a sounding-boardchất lên, và vì lý do đó kể lể một dông New traders appreciate the ability ...

I was like that ship before my education began, only I was without compass or sounding-line, and had no way of knowing how near the har...

a fishing-rod
if it were a fishing-rod.Nếu là bể cá thủy sinh.

aaron's rod
Aaron's rod that budded obviously prophesied the resurrection.Cây bồ đề, nơi mà Đức Phật đã giác ngộ giải thoát. Pharaoh's magicians w...

brake rod
Brake Rod LocationsKhóa Rim Locks

con rod
But, luckily, Cyril at the bike shop has this tool called a gudgeon pin remover which should minimize damage to the bearing at either e...

Construction of Con-RodKết nối rod/con-rod Articulated con-rodMẫu số : con-rod Articulated con-rodMẫu số : con-rod Articulated con-rod...

connecting rod
The spark plugs are in place, so is the connecting rod, and the pistons.Bu-gi đúng vị trí, dây dẫn cũng vậy, piston cũng vậy. And what...

control rod
Legg was found later that night, impaled against the ceiling of the silo by a control rod.Legg được tìm thấy sau đêm đó, bị một thanh đ...

copper rod
Additionally, the change in viscosity of the oil, the amount of sludge formed in the oil and the weight loss of the copper rod are dete...

divining rod
So you're a divining rod for others like you.Vậy anh là đôi đũa bói để tìm những người như anh. He is the divining rod that will lead ...

extension rod
The Z-Axis is NOT compatible with the Osmo Bike Mount, Extension Rod and Tripod.Z-Axis không tương thích với Osmo Bike Mount, Extension...

fishing rod
Now get out of bed before I tan your behind with my fishing rod.Ra khỏi giường đi nào ta sẽ dìu con bên cạnh ta được chứ. Help the gno...

if it were a fishing-rod.Nếu là bể cá thủy sinh.

fuel rod
Somehow they must have picked up that fuel rod.Bằng cách nào đó họ đã lấy được 1 ống nhiên liệu. Iran Claims to Have Produced Its Firs...