spindle-legs câu
That's a Hwayi. It's a spindle tree from the Jeju islands.Đó là cây Hwayi. 1 loại cây có nguồn gốc từ đảo Jeju. 2, into the electric s...

In this case I'll prepare rams legs a la Septime.Nếu vậy tôi sẽ chuẩn bị món đùi cừu Septime cho ông. How did you get those marks on y...

drive spindle
By this 5 axis vertical machining center, users are able to process many kinds of workpieces with the powerful direct drive spindle who...

milling spindle
In both machines the laser, including the powder application head, is installed in the HSK tool holder of the milling spindle and if re...

spindle assembly
Mitotic cyclin-CDK complexes, which are synthesized but inactivated during S and G2 phases, promote the initiation of mitosis by stimul...

spindle head
The spindle headĐầu spindle

spindle unit
For a spindle unit with a speed of 10,000r / min or more, it is no longer appropriate to drive it through a belt or coupling.Đối với mộ...

Sitting on one of the little spindle-legged tables that supported so many frail-looking silver instruments, was an ugly gold ring set w...

That means, in theory, that an electric Lexus wouldn’t need a massive, spindle-shaped grille on its front end.Điều đó có nghĩa là, về m...

valve spindle
It is worth noting that certain types of gland packing produce a greater friction with the valve spindle than others.Cần lưu ý rằng một...

bare legs
The president of the United States is patting her bare legs.Tổng thống của Hoa Kỳ vỗ chân trần của cô. Still, there’s more to marriage...

be all legs
It’s good to be all legs.luôn luôn tươi cười !to be all legs

He had a large, almost lipless, mouth, extraordinary lank arms, long thin feet, and bow-legs, and stood with his heavy face thrust forw...

cross the legs
Cross the legs while standing: This may compress the urethra and avoid an emergency.Vượt qua chân trong khi đứng: Điều này có thể nén n...

frog legs
At the time I thought eating frog legs was gross.Trước giờ em cứ nghĩ ăn khoai lang cung bị mập. Look at his big frog legs. I will mix...

lanky legs
Their lanky legs are a sure sign that they're built for a life on the move.Hai đôi chân cao lêu nghêu là dấu hiệu chúng được thiết kế c...

Glad you’ve found your sea-legs at last.May là cuối cùng cô vẫn tìm được Lưu Tiểu Đồng.

be on one's last legs
To be on one's last legs.cao lêu đêu, chỉ thấy chân với cẳng !to be on one's last legs

restless legs syndrome
If so, you may have restless legs syndrome (RLS).Nếu vậy, bạn có thể có hội chứng chân không yên (RLS). If so, you might have restless...

sit with crossed legs
The teacher at the course, S. N. Goenka, instructed the students to sit with crossed legs and closed eyes, and to focus all their atten...

stand on one's own legs
To stand on one's own legsTự lực cánh sinh: stand on one’s own legs "It's fine, my good woman, when one can stand on one's own legs ag...

stilt-like legs
Sea spiders either walk along the bottom with their stilt-like legs or swim just above it using an umbrella pulsing motion.[2] Most are...

stretch one's legs
After a long voyage it's good to stretch one's legs.Sau một chuyến đi dài, thật là tốt khi được xoải chân duỗi cẳng. Generally, the cl...