firewood-gatherer câu
Then, out of the blue... she asked me to help her with the firewood.sau đó, hoàn toàn bất ngờ... bà ấy nhờ tôi mang giúp củi. After yo...

The original hunter gatherer societies were what Marx called Primitive Communist societies.đó, xã hội nguyên thủy (mà Marx gọi là xã hộ...

firewood burns
We study: iron bars put into the fire it heats up and red, firewood burns is red coal, brick kiln, the tile turns red; It is caused by ...

split firewood
Just as we use scissors to cut paper, not to split firewood, some probiotics are useful in some cases, but not for others.Cũng giống nh...

like a grape-gatherer, pass your hand again over its branches.như người hái nho, hãy luồn tay qua lại trên các nhánh.

You are now officially a hunter-gatherer traveler.Lúc này, ông là một nông dân kiêm thợ săn tuần lộc. We still see this in today’s few...

Matthew was a tax-gatherer and he lived in Capernaum.Ma-thi-ơ là một người thâu thuế và ông sống ở Capernaum. We know that he was a ta...